Girl's Day is a South Korean girl group formed by Dream Tea Entertainment in 2010. The group currently consists of four members: Sojin, Minah, Yura and Hyeri. Members Jisun and Jiin officially left the group in 2010, while Jihae left in late 2012.

Stage Name: Sojin/소진
Real Name: Park Sojin/박소진/朴素珍
Nicknames: Sexy Leader
Birthday: May 21, 1986
Birthplace: Daegu, South Korea
Blood Type: AB
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Position in group: Leader, Lead Vocalist
Languages: Korean
Instruments: piano, guitar
Hobbies: cleaning, searching for a good song, writing music, browsing YouTube video, shopping, eating snacks, playing the piano
Siblings: one younger brother
Education: Anhyun Elementary School; Lee Hyun Elementary School; Seojin Middle School; Kyungduk Girls’ High School; Yeungnam University, Major in Mechanical Engineering
Fans: Flower Lovers

Stage Name: Yura/유라
Real Name: Kim Ahyoung/김아영/金亞榮
Nicknames: Silly Brain, Bear, Sunshine, 4D Yura, Pinky Pig
Birthday: November 6, 1992
Birthplace: Ulsan, South Korea
Blood Type: O
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Position in group: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Visual
Languages: Korean
Hobbies: painting, dancing, listening to music

Education: Ulsan Art High School, Major in Dance; Dongduk Women’s University
Fans: Marbling

Stage Name: Minah/민아
Real Name: Bang Minah/방민아/方珉娥
Nicknames: Eye-Smile Minah
Birthday: May 13, 1993
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Blood Type: O
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Position in group: Main Vocalist, Face of the Group
Languages: Korean
Instruments: piano
Hobbies: watching movies, dancing, listening to music, making facial expressions
Siblings: older sister Wanna.B‘s Lina
Education: Youngkwang Kindergarten; Sunggee Elementary School; North Incheon Girls’ Middle School; Jinsun Girls’ High School; Dongduk Women’s University, Major in Broadcasting

Stage Name: Hyeri/혜리
Real Name: Lee Hyeri/이혜리/李惠利
Nicknames: Big Laugh Hyeri, Hyericles
Birthday: June 9, 1994
Birthplace: Gwangju, Gyeonggi, South Korea
Blood Type: AB
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Position in group: Main Dancer, Vocalist, Face of the Group, Maknae
Languages: Korean
Hobbies: watching movies, reading books
Siblings: younger sister Hyerim
Education: Mansun Kindergarten; Samri Elementary School; Garak Middle School; GongYeon Girls High School; Seoul School of Performing Arts; Konkuk University, Major in Film
Fans: Hera

Former Members

Stage Name: Jisun/지선
Real Name: Hwang Jisun/황지선
Birthday: October 17, 1989
Birthplace: South Korea
Blood Type: A
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Position in group: Vocalist
Languages: Korean
Hobbies: stretching, reading, dancing
Education: Keukdong College
Became a member of New F.O

Stage Name: Jiin/지인
Real Name: Lee Jiin/이지인
Birthday: March 13, 1992
Birthplace: South Korea
Blood Type: O
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Position in group: Main Vocalist
Languages: Korean
Hobbies: cooking, listening to music, watching movies
Education: Anyang Art High School
Became a member of Bebop

Stage Name: Jihae/지해
Real Name: Woo Jihae/우지해
Nicknames: Girl’s Day Power Dance, High-Heeled Ballerina
Birthday: May 14, 1989
Birthplace: South Korea
Blood Type: B
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Position in group: Main Dancer, Main Rapper, Vocalist
Languages: Korean
Hobbies: music appreciation, shopping, exercising, yoga
Education: Doongbae Kindergarten; Seoul Daedo Elementary School; Kowhai Intermediate School; Sookmyung Girls’ Middle School; Dukwon Girls’ High School; Sungkyunkwan University, Major in Dance

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